
February 08, 2008

You don't have to be a techno savvy person to know just how important it is to have a data protection and security software. Now I am just about to introduce to you a software which is far way different from all the softwares and other techno-related enhancements I have talked about.

Tilana Reserve is a software utility and off site data storage service that provides file protection and synchronization to business and home PC users. How is this done? Your files are transmitted to and from a secure storage space at Tilana data center. Your files are encrypted so you retain your privacy and you are guaranteed of Continuous data protection. The protected files are stored in a personal remote storage, along with other save multiple versions of your files. You have easy remote file access of all your protected files through history palette in the desktop software control panel.

Tilana Reserve will synchronize all your files in your pc even the slightest change will reflect and be recorded. Just think of an exact clone of your pc files, songs, videos, pictures, etc.The protected files can be sync'ed between multiple computers using the same account easily through a remote storage access.

Just imagine this your pc went crazy and all files are lost. You can't even turn your pc on literally but withe Tilana Reserve you have all your protected files safe even if you'll loose your pc. You have all your files and access them using any web browser from anywhere. How's that?

1 Comment:

  1. Eddy Prasetyo said...
    nice blog...! regars...

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