
August 30, 2008

Traffic just went down immediately after the O----l----ympics. With that my adsense earnings also went down. However the past 2 days I was able to recover and made very good money from adsense. The CPM was higher the past 2 days. But today, I am so shocked by the earnings that I have made from adsense. The money just went really down. It's just the beginning of the day though but the difference is quite noticeable. The CPM or cost per impression just went really low. Could I be smart priced? Or could this be because of my failure to update some of my blogs.

For this particular blog alone, I noticed the most low CPM which was not the case before. This blog has high CPM for the ads. So yes, I have this theory that the O--l--ympic ads are causing this. The event just ended so advertisers are expecting low traffic and thus are bidding low for the keywords. So basically, my move now is to eliminate the said ads and incorporate high paying keywords in my posts so that I can make more money with adsense. More money because I badly need it, especially now that I have lots of financial obligations and my financial standing can't suffice for all. Well, everyone needs money nowadays. :)


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